Is Emphasizing the good, a good thing?

Author: Christopher Chayban

The problem is always the same, in Kundalini Yoga they preach having a neutral mind because the earth is always polar (north and south poles even), Jung also says to find that “third” thing between the opposites. The healing symbol. I am afraid that the more we encourage “the good of the whole,” the more the bad of the whole also gets constellated. I think the first order of business is to acceptance and acknowledgment of our own darkness, so that it may let the good live. Otherwise, the bad will keep fighting for recognition and acknowledgment. The Dalai Lama has it right in my opinion. Compassion, Compassion, Compassion! Which means suffering (passio) with (com). We have to have compassion and “suffer with” our own darkness and the darkness that others commit, won’t admit and suffer with.

I think nature’s disasters are actually more indicative of our solar system moving faster towards the Barycentre? It’s supposed to get faster for something like the next 300-400 years? Yogi Bhajan actually warned about our information overload culture that was pending about 30 years prior and Sri Yuketeswar also said that we have entered the Electrical Age as far as the Yuga time cycles go.

Narcissism is increasing. We must find a way to either embrace or remedy our Ego-Selfie axis! Just as there appears to be a mass psychosis with politics in the world and America especially, I think there needs to be a mass numinosum and experience of the sacred. I’m not sure who is left that can show us the spirit (metaphysically not just psychologically). My guess, at the moment would be the Native Americans. At least, when I was thinking and meditating on it yesterday, that’s who popped up in my head. What do you think?

I was talking to a friend the other day that, when there is no more Dharma (meaning, purpose, truth), the Hindus say that God (the Self) will incarnate (perhaps physically or at the very least psychically). So I know it’s counter intuitive, but maybe more darkness is good thing. That is, if you believe the law of opposites to be true, and trust that light will come out at the other end.



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