Water Myths and the 2nd Chakra
Author: Christopher Chayban
With water, I immediately thought of the alchemical symbolism of the process of “solutio.” The images of the Rosarium Philosophorum aptly show the death and rebirth symbolism, with the bath in the mercurial waters who is the “marine monster” that Eliade frequently refers to. Perhaps water symbolism is part of the “lovers” journey rather than the hero’s. I say that because, the Hero seems to be about becoming an individual where was with water symbolism is about the dissolution of the individual or the “form” that he or she is familiar with as oneself. This is done by communion with another, the wholly other and as a result, the rigid structures or forms (complexes) are dissolved and the individual is reborn anew. Also, water is the element of the second charka, where the generative organs lie. Again, implying not a journey of only the individual but the journey that requires two. The two becoming one. That can mean one with another outside and inside of yourself. I believe Jung says that it’s not possible to individuate with out other people. The contrasexual anima and animus images like water nymphs or mermen show a certain kind of development in relation to the other but also as a gateway to the waters of the unconscious being in that liminal space.
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