The 3 Qualities of Nature. The Gunas (that which binds an attaches us)
Qualties of Tamas-
State of Awareness-Sleeping/Unconscious State, awareness is at its lowest
Body-Relates to the Physical Body.
Movement-Down (Heaviness/Being pulled) and Out (Material External
Represents-Stability, protection, preservation, inertia, death, fear, confusion,
Motivation-Avoiding or Destroying Pain and Problems
Relates to-Drugs, fast food, ignorance, dullness, complexity
-Energy is binded in the elements of Earth and partly Water
-Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu energy binds to Tamas
-Energy vibrating in the constellations Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius binds to Tamas
Qualties of Rajas-
State of Awareness-Dreaming State, Half Awake and Half Sleeping
Body-Relates to the Mind/Emotions
Movement-Lateral movement (not really going up or down)
Represent-Activity, communication, stimulation, enjoyment, achievement, aliveliness
Sense-Fun, Pleasure
Motivation-Pursuit of Desires or Enjoying life
Relates to-having Sex, hanging out, partying, social activities
-Energy is binded in the elements Fire and partly Water and Air
-Mercury and Venus’ energy binds to Rajas
-Energy in the constellations of Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Libra binds to Rajas
Qualties of Sattwa-
State of Awareness-Awakened State, more enlightened
Trinity-Relates to Spirit
Movement-Up (Something Higher/Wisdom/Evolving) and In (Going Deep and
being Introspective)
Represents-Knowledge, peace, harmony and inspiration
Sense-The Truth
Motivation-Inspiritation, Doing Simple, Good or Pure things
Relates to-Purity, Meditation, Simplicity, Good Diet
-Energy is binded in the element of Ether and partly Air
-Sun, Moon and Jupiter energy bind to Sattwa
-Energy of the constellations Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces binds to Sattwa
*Exercise#2*-With out looking at the Natal Vedic Astrology Chart, Assess whether you and then other people are more Tamasic, Rajasic, or Sattwic
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