Basic & Relationship Compatibility Reading




Focused Astrology Readings

Relationship Readings

Basic Relationship Reading

What will be assessed?

-Your Capacity for Happiness and Desire in Relationships.

-What type of partner you want and tend to attract.

-The reflection or mirror conditioning your relationships.

What is needed?

-Birth Information

-Date of current or last relationship

-Questions, Concerns.

Compatibility Relationship Reading

What will be assessed?

-Individual’s Indicators first.

-You and your partners Capacity for Happiness and Desire in Relationships.

-What type of partners you want and tend to attract.

-The reflection or mirror conditioning your relationships.

-How the Energies cross reference each other in partners chart and what things are getting triggered, as well as how to use those energies better.

What is needed?

-Email consent from both parties to talk about the partners chart.

-Birth Information of Both People.

-Date you met (estimate date is fine).

-Date started relationship.

-Questions, Concerns.





